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NeuroConnect Autism Software

Introducing Nero Connect

Introducing NeuroConnect: Empowering Children with Autism

Educational robotics transcends the conventional use of robots; it represents a pioneering pedagogical approach that harnesses robots within educational environments to enrich the effectiveness and engagement of teaching for children and young learners. In this context, robotics assumes the role of a pedagogical tool that not only facilitates the work of educators but also has the remarkable ability to transform mundane lessons into creative, enjoyable, and, most importantly, inclusive activities.

Beyond its broader educational applications, robots emerge as invaluable catalysts for fostering improved interactions between children with autism and the world around them. By promoting cognitive, behavioral, and developmental stimulation, robots become essential aids in the journey of children with autism. Among these innovative solutions, the NeuroConnect method stands out as a powerful tool with universal utility and indispensable significance for those navigating the unique challenges of autism.

NeuroConnect serves as an exceptional mediator, offering effective ways to address and manage issues associated with autism. Through interaction with the robot, imitative behaviors are sparked in children with autism, facilitating the development of crucial skills. This dynamic process empowers children to identify, interpret, and use emotional information, thereby enhancing their ability to adapt and thrive within the social context.

In the information that follows, we will delve deeper into the NeuroConnect method, exploring its features, benefits, and real-world applications, all with the aim of shedding light on its transformative potential for children with autism and the educators and caregivers who support them.

Educational Robotics: Enhancing Learning through Innovation

In recent years, educators at the Santa Maria Institute in Sant'Agata Li Battiati, Catania, have embarked on an exciting journey towards educational innovation. They've actively integrated a technological perspective into their teaching approach, recognising its pivotal role in shaping education amid significant and continuous social change.

At the heart of this transformative process, the Institute places the individual as a multi-dimensional entity, encompassing emotional, social, physical, cognitive, ethical, and religious aspects. This holistic view of education has long been a cornerstone of the Institute's philosophy, aligning with its mission to foster the comprehensive development of each student.

One of the noteworthy developments at the Institute has been the incorporation of educational robotics into their curriculum. This strategic decision stems from the belief that robotics offers a motivating, innovative, and engaging tool for learning. Moreover, when seamlessly integrated into cross-curricular and interdisciplinary programs and projects, educational robotics becomes a powerful instrument for both learning and inclusion.

In the context of educational and didactic design, the Institute envisions its role as follows:

❖ A vital contributor to the quality of school activities and the professional growth of educators. ❖ A sophisticated mechanism for the continuous monitoring and refinement of educational processes. ❖ A platform for sharing experiences and distributing educational responsibilities among stakeholders. ❖ A dynamic search for tailored solutions that cater to the diverse educational needs of every student. ❖ A commitment to designing and implementing personalized methodological approaches.

Educational robotics stands out as a prominent tool that empowers students and teachers alike. Here's how it places the student at the heart of the teaching and learning process:

❖ Individualized Instruction: Educational robotics facilitates personalized learning experiences within inclusive classrooms. Regardless of their background or abilities, all students can engage with digital tools or robots, leading to automatic inclusion.

❖ Computational Thinking: By working with robots, students develop essential computational thinking skills. Teachers, in turn, assume a new role as facilitators, coordinators, guides, and motivators of student-driven learning journeys.

❖ Promoting Collaboration: Educational robotics encourages collaborative learning dynamics. Whether across different classrooms or age groups, vertical continuity projects bring students together through shared activities and the excitement of working with technology. The presence of robots fosters curiosity, engagement, and the joy of learning.

In conclusion, the Santa Maria Institute's commitment to integrating educational robotics reflects a forward-thinking approach to education that embraces technology's potential to enhance engagement, inclusivity, and individualised learning experiences. This innovative perspective aligns perfectly with the Institute's longstanding dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals ready to thrive in our ever-evolving world.

NeuroConnect System Architecture

NeroConnect is an LMS (Learning Management System) platform aimed at the training and learning of people with neuro intellectual disabilities. This uses a combination of training sessions based on interaction via tablets and 4 different humanoid robots.

Main Features

  • Simplify the use of the RAT for the teacher
  • Convey innovative e-learning and edutainment and content
  • Track and store sessions
  • Generate results, reports and statistics

Hardware Requirements

3rd Generation iPad air, 8th generation ipad or iPad Pro, IOS 14 (min). The iPad mini is not recommended because of size.



NeuroConnect Developer Course

  • Pepper (Choreogprahe 2.5 + Python)
  • Milo R25 (JAVA + ROBOKIND software)
  • Sophia/Grace robot (Python + HRSDK and ROS)

Interfacing between the robot front-end and the App front-end occurs via RESTful remote procedure calls (JSON RPC)

All robots run a RESTful server that forwards calls into their respective manufacturer APIs.

The software architecture is Robot-Centric, the exercise is performed mainly by the Robot, the Tablet displays the data that the robot contains in memory (ALMemory in NAOqi use cases)

Note: RESTful calls are transparent to the content developers on NeuroConnect.


The App on the iPad is a native app that is distributed ad hoc, and is not available on the app store.

The back end is currently built on cloud vps servers and contains the complete database that is accessible through NeuroConnect API using specific JSON-RPC calls.

Through NeuroConnect API, integration with third party software is possible.

Developer Course

The structuring of an exercise is based on the logic of the quiz, which is divided into five fundamental cyclical parts (Q&A Loop):

  1. Introduction to the exercise
  2. Stimulus / Question Delivery
  3. Waiting for response (any remote control operation on the robot could be engaged here with RC-RAT)
  4. User Response (iPad, Pepper Tablet, Robot tactile and audio/visual sensors)
  5. Response Feedback (Positive or Negative Reinforcement)

User response can be handled by hierarchical prompts.

For example, if the answer is incorrect, it is possible to repeat cycle 1-4 n times by adding suggestions communicated both by the Robot and visible on the Tablet to induce the patient to make the correct answer (training with error-free learning).



  • Choreographe will be used to create the Behavior that the robot will perform.
  • The NeuroConnect Box Library in Choreographe will allow you to build the variables in memory that iPad will use to render outputs when executing the Behavior.
  • NeuroConnect provides the Choreographe example sources of all the exercises present in NeuroConnect, these can be used as a basis for creating new exercises and/or modifying existing ones.

Robot Assisted Teaching

Are you a school that has already purchased or intends to purchase the Nao or Pepper robots?

Do you want to use them for teaching and inclusion by making full use of their abilities and possibilities?


Did you know that with NeuroConnect you can improve the quality, learning speed and motivation of your students?

Did you know that you can present inclusion and innovation projects through robotics thanks to NeuroConnect?



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