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Training For Pepper

Training For Nao and Pepper (NaoQi)
Understanding how to operate and programme a robot can be intimidating. With over a decade of experience with Nao and Pepper, we are able to assist you. We provide training on everything from operation and use to introductory and advanced programming courses for NaoQi. We can even design a course specifically to satisfy your needs.

We have always regarded ourselves extremely fortunate to have worked with robots for the past decade. Our expertise can help you get your Pepper or Nao project up and running swiftly and affordably. Whether you have skilled developers who understand your business and your message but are unfamiliar with robotics, or if your marketing and events team must learn how to operate and use your new robots, we can help them become effective rapidly.

Our training personnel has years of experience working with Pepper and Nao's operating system, NaoQi, developed by SoftBank Robotics. They have worked on commercial robot projects and are aware of the hazards that await your team. Let us assist them in meeting your requirements. Our courses consist of:

An Overview of Robotics Operation
A one-day course designed to familiarise your operations staff with your new machines. Transportation and handling, operational use, application management, and much more will be discussed.

Overview of Robot Application Development
A three-day introduction to developing for your new robots for your development employees. We will discuss all of the fundamental NaoQi modules used to develop interactive applications that bring your robots to life.

Innovative Robot Application advancement
A two-day course designed to enhance the development skills of your personnel on Pepper and Nao. As a continuation of the "Introduction to Robot Application Development" course, we will cover topics such as system integration, navigation, and advanced interaction and user experience design.

Please let us know if you have any specific requirements for your training course, and we will be glad to work with you to develop a course that meets those needs.