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Nao For Hire


These versatile humanoid robots are designed to enhance the guest experience, engage attendees, and create lasting impressions. Discover how NAO Robots can add innovation and charm to your upcoming event.

Why Choose Our NAO Robots?

  • Humanoid Interaction: NAO Robots are designed to interact with humans in a natural and engaging manner, making attendees feel welcomed and valued.

  • Adaptable and Versatile: Our robots can perform a wide range of tasks, from greeting guests and delivering presentations to providing information, conducting surveys, and even offering entertainment.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Powered by state-of-the-art AI and interactive features, NAO Robots offer a seamless blend of technology and human-like interaction.


  1. Interactive Presentations: Impress your conference attendees with dynamic presentations hosted by NAO Robots. They can deliver keynote speeches, product demonstrations, and more.

  2. Exhibition Engagement: Enhance your exhibition by using NAO Robots as interactive guides. They can lead attendees to different booths, provide information about exhibitors, and answer questions.

  3. Entertainment: Add a touch of innovation and entertainment to your event by programming NAO Robots to interact with attendees through jokes, riddles, or even dance performances.

  4. Information Hubs: Transform NAO Robots into interactive information hubs, where attendees can access event schedules, maps, and important announcements.

  5. Survey and Feedback Gathering: Engage your audience by conducting real-time surveys and gathering valuable feedback during corporate events, using NAO Robots as survey assistants.

Why Rent from Us?

  • Expert Support: Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring the success of your event. We provide guidance on robot setup, customization, and on-site support.

  • User-Friendly: Operating NAO Robots is straightforward and user-friendly, requiring no technical expertise. We provide training and support to make your rental experience seamless.

  • Flexible Rental Options: We offer flexible rental packages tailored to your event's duration, scale, and budget. Contact us for a personalized quote.


Contact Us

Ready to elevate your conferences, exhibitions, and corporate events with NAO Robot Rentals? Contact us today to discuss your specific event requirements and receive a personalized quote. Our team is eager to help you create exceptional event experiences.

Don't miss the opportunity to make your event truly unforgettable. Rent our NAO Robots today and redefine the way you engage with your event attendees.

NAO is the first automaton that Aldebaran created. NAO is a tremendous programming instrument that has become a standard in education and research. He is well-known across the globe.

Companies and healthcare facilities also use NAO as an assistant to greet, inform, and entertain visitors.

Depending on the iteration, the Nao robotics platform has 2, 14, 21, or 25 degrees of freedom (DoF). For the Robocup competition, a specialised variant with 21 DoF and no actuated hands was developed.

All versions of Nao Academics include an inertial measurement unit with an accelerometer, gyroscope, and four ultrasonic sensors to provide stability and positioning in space. The versions with legs were equipped with eight force-sensing resistors and two buffers.

The 2014 Nao Evolution featured reinforced metallic joints, enhanced traction, and a sound source localization system with four directional microphones.In June of 2018, the most recent version, designated NAO6, was released.


Software For NAO:

Content Management System


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