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Rex A For Hire

Rex A For Hire is the perfect addition to corporate events. This quadrapedal robot dog offers a unique and interactive experience at conferences, exhibitions, and more. With its advanced sensors and artificial intelligence, Rex A can navigate around obstacles and perform lots of tricks. Renting Rex A is sure to draw a crowd and make your event a success.

Rex A offers all the functionalities of a robotics platform for autonomous navigation, surveillance and exploration applications, even in hostile environments:

  • It has machine vision for 2D and 3D mapping of its environment
  • It can walk forwards, backwards, over obstacles, up and down stairs, etc.
  • It can run at speeds of up to 6 km/h
  • It has an enhanced environmental perception system: three-dimensional vision, real-time mapping and dynamic obstacle perception

Rex A is very stable in all positions. It has full 3-axis posture and position control, making it very adaptable on any terrain.

Robust and long battery life

Rex A has a robust but easily dismantled robot chassis. Made of polymer plastic, carbon fibre and aviation aluminium, it is a robotics platform that’s built to last.

It also has a lithium battery to be able to continue it operations for between 2 and 4.5 hours, depending on the mission.

A mobile robot that can communicate with humans

It has has facial and human motion recognition capabilities. It will follow its “master’s” movements and adapt its behaviour according to these movements.

And its rich communication interface will let you expand its horizons even further, using the HDMI, USB and Ethernet ports to complete Aliengo’s arsenal with additional sensors, surveillance cameras or LiDAR options.


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